Monday, November 26, 2012

Berryz Koubou "WANT!" PV


  1. I quite like the song (except the autotune) and the dance as well, the sets were a little too bright but I guess that's to make their outfits stand out when you compare the dance set. Surprised that the length of their heels, that really shocked me but I love the dances on Risako, Saki, Yurina and Massa the most.

    Hope you take a look at my blog when you have the time!

    1. I agree about the autotune. I'm sure they could've done without it. I don't mind the outfits, but I think they would look better without the tassels.

      I didn't like how the dance set and the other set were so drastically different. It just made it seem off. But overall I enjoyed both the PV and the song. :)

      I will check out your blog, thanks for commenting!
