The latest focus of Japanese otaku types is a 14-year-old English girl who calls herself Beckii Cruel. The Isle of Man native has developed a growing fan base from the videos that she started posting on YouTube in March. Most of them feature her dancing in her bedroom to J-Pop and anime tunes. Media hype here has compared her to another recent import, Leah Dizon (though their looks and otaku appeal are about the only similarity), and her videos on the local NicoNico Douga site have been viewed over 3 million times. She recently performed at the Enta Matsuri in Tokyo's otaku mecca of Akihabara (photo), with some 600 fans turning up to show their support. Not one to miss out on a commercial opportunity, a DVD ("This is Beckii Cruel") is due for release on December 19th.
Personally, I think she dances like a soulless muppet, but that's just my opinion, so don't find out where I live and throw eggs at my house (or worse) thanks. D8 There is no fluidity in her movements, and she has no facial expressions (is it just me, or are they just always the same???). If you compare the dancing group ichiP! to her, you just go WOW, they are so much better. They dance with feeling. Just watch the difference (watch for: FLUID MOVEMENTS, like BAM BAM BAM, DANCE WITH FEELING, blah blah):
I basically get flailing of arms and disorganized movements. Anyway, I hope she gets lessons on the Japanese language (As you will see below, and many wishes of luck with that to her, did you know the jesuits thought Japanese was created by the devil??) and dance lessons. The comparison with Leah Dizon is only because they are both imports (imported goods!).
Conclusion? I think we should all start uploading ourselves dancing to some music. HURRY UP PEOPLE! Gotta make our debuts in Japan since it's apparently so damn easy!!!! Oh, but you have to have yummy legs (like Uruhahaha) and be giggly and generally clueless so Japan will eat you alive (this can be both good and bad). It's all good fun. =)
Really? Do I just get to watch her dance and walk around? Is that it? And I buy this thing? Note the facial expressions. >_>
Is it possible for the Japanese to perform seppuku on someone else?
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